Sunday, July 8, 2012

So I was reading up on LED lighting for the interior and came across this on eBay which just arrived in the mail
Took a few weeks to get it mailed from China but you can't beat $2.89 so I ordered 2 of them. Comes with 3 types of connectors but the dual metal prongs fit perfectly in the kitchen lamp over the sink
It's a 48 LED rectangle with 2 sided tape on the back. Much brighter than the stock unit while creating no heat and uses much less power.
Brightens up the interior quite nicely at night. I'm thinking of attaching the second one I bought further towards the back and facing up so the light will reflect off the ceiling.


  1. Who did you get the LED kit from?
    Does this unit work dependably?
    Good light quality?

  2. I purchased both lights from eBay
    regular price is $4.82 but goes on sale often for $2.89

    I just installed them so can't comment on dependability however I assume that most LED's are more reliable than standard bulbs. The light is very white but that is what I was looking for.
